Saturday, July 6, 2013

Goldenhunter7 and Dragonwolf70 are back!

Yay goldenhunter7 and Dragon wolf are back! I am super happy. Also today we are guarding a little kid from a evil lady! Its so fun. We could become spies of jamaa! XD Anyway my party is tomorrow at 5:20. I hope you can make it! Also thanks for entering my mech angel wing giveaway on youtube! My user on youtube is Puptart100. Anyway peace!

1 comment:

  1. puptart thanks for being SO happy lol! I'm make it to your party...I hope we're going to my uncle's house GULP can you have a nother party a day or so after? Oh and btw on my vacation I found those lollipops but with ANTS, oh and there was another with A GIANT MEAL WORM! Geez! I didn't know you would find THAT at a famous butterfly garden XD
