Thursday, October 24, 2013


Okay. So I know that Birdle thinks its fine. To do Puptart month for my blog, but I'm not all that sure Coolchico wants me too. She really offended me by saying I wanted the whole entire month to myself. She was kind of being rude about it. She sort of said it in a mean way. No offense. But I don't really "approve" of those kind of comments. Until then you guys must respect the rules. You can say whatever you want, if its mean tho it will have to be deleted. I don't know how to block so that's the best I can do. Peace

1 comment:

  1. Puptart please stop with the drama she misunderstood because you didn't explain it enough. So if you don't want mean comments then please get over the Coolchico thing it was just a mistake and just do the puptart month already. Ok ok? Ok!!
