Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lovestruck and IM5

HI HELLO :D  If ya'll are wondering why I'm so happy and hyper right now is because I finally found out 2 dudes who MIGHT like meh :) Like most boys everyone teases me about my mustache and bushy eyebrows. Anyways these guys really don't seem the type of guys that would do that. The first one.. Well I'm not going to say his name, but we shall call him Socks. So Socks is really cute, and he makes me laugh a lot. He sits next to me and stares at me a lot. Next dude we shall call him Mister. Mister is awful cute and has super cute hair. I have seen him without his shirt and he looks so HAWT! I really like him. Even more than I like Socks. We play soccer together as one team. Well I decided not to do outfit of da day. Apologies peoples! AJ has just seemed to get more boring. Oh well. Oh yeah. Be sure to check this band out IM5. Their music video Zero Gravity is the video of the day. They are WAYYYYYYYYYY better then one direction. No offense to directioners. Peace out :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL PUPTART YOUR IN A LOVE TRIANGLE!! XD but anyways I hope everything goes well for you Socks, and Mister :D
