Sunday, June 30, 2013

Surprise party for Dragon and Golden

Today I came up with the fabulous idea that we have a welcome back party for Dragonwolf70 and Goldenhunter7. Just like we did for Birdle. I shall have it set up tomorrow. Peace!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

July Update.

Be sure to check out Birdle's blog for a new July update/giveaway. I keep forgetting to do my giveaways. I forgot what the last one was, but today I shall do another giveaway. This giveaway is a plushie giveaway. You will get a special plushie. Like 1 with clothes. Anyway here is how to win: You need to get 1 firework and put it in your den. Then tell me to come to your den and you will get your prize. Peace!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Bye dragon and golden.

:( today Dragonwolf70 and Goldenhunter7 are going on vacation. I will miss them. Can you take me along secretly in your suit case? JK! :P Also I'm going to have my freedom firework blast soon. The date is: July 7th
Whose invited: everyone 
What to bring: a freedom outfit, and camping stuff. Peace!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Today I'm super busy. I need to make a new jammer weekly, update my blog. All that stuff. Also I need to make a new giveaway if I have a good item. Anyway since its summer, why not be in a summer home? I made 1 on animal jam a long time ago. I also made a new video on my Youtube channel. Oh and I promised dragon wolf I would draw her a humming bird so she can try to copy it. Here it is:

Monday, June 24, 2013

letter to aj and drawings

Sorry for not posting yesterday. :( But I will post today. Anyway yesterday I wrote a letter to AJHQ its a fan letter. I also want to get an AJHQ plaque for it. If you send them a letter with your username they will send you a AJHQ plaque. I will mail it off today. Also I am going to soon make some animal jam drawings as my new video. Also if you work for me in jammer weekly, then I need your stuff tomorrow. Peace!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Birdles back! And what i look like.

Ok today is a happy day! Why? BECAUSE BIRDLE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO! We had a welcome back party. Gggal was there too I got this crazy screen shot of all 3 of us. Also me and Goldenhunter7 made a storage account for the both of us. Its Goldenpupghp. It's a storage account. Also Birdle I need some pics of the adventure if u don't mind. Also I couldn't upload the screenshot because it was invisible. Also here is a pic of what I look like.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Birdle's welcome back party!

Birdle is coming back today. So tomorrow is going to be her welcome back party for sure! Its going to be either at 9:00 or at 1:00. Because I might have to go preach. Anyway so yesterday was Sparklewolf123's birthday! Yay! I got a few snapshots to remember that crazy party. Also I made this awesome picture for Birdle. I spent 2 months on it.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Sparklewolf123! & 2 more parties!

Ok so today its Sparklewolf123's birthday!!!!!!!!!! I am clueless on how old she's turning, but still wish her a happy birthday! Also Birdle is coming back from camp tomorrow. We are having a welcome back party for her. The theme is hats. Just come wearing your favorite hat. Peace!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Ok so the adventure starts today! It was exciting as pie. First u do a bunch of training. Then you move on to the bunny thing. Later will be some more stuff. Like with foxes and snow leopards. I'm excited to see what's next. Also I need a photographer to help take pictures while Birdle is gone. Let me know in the comments bellow if u want to help.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Rare item and Jammer Weekly

The rare item for today is a rare pink sofa! I'm glad they are doing rare items. I cant wait until next Monday. What will they bring? A rare tea cup? A rare lap top? Also I haven't done jammer weekly for a long time. So next week is sure to be the adventure. I will need a replacement photographer. Let me know in the comments down bellow if your willing to help. So the assignments are to taker pictures of the adventure next week. Coolchico get interviewing. And send warriorcatz2 a letter if you need advice. Also Birdle has left for camp :(. But we are throwing a welcome back party at my den. Be sure to get a gift for her. And go to my den to see the party. Let me know if I should have any changes. Me and Coolchico haven't chose a theme for this party yet. Also I have 2 new pages. Be sure to check those out!

Sunday, June 16, 2013


WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BIRDLE IS LEAVING FOR CAMP THIS AFTERNOON!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHY WORLD?! I'm going to miss her. Also we are having 2 birthday parties for sparklewolf123. One for her real birthday, and the other for Birdle. Also I hope the phantom adventure is tomorrow. If it isn't I'm going to tear my hair out in frustration. I want it to happen BADLY tomorrow. I am hoping and praying its tomorrow. I want it to be tomorrow. It has to be tomorrow. Anyway so get prepared if it is tomorrow. Also spiked collars are coming back on July 7th which is good news if you want one. But bad news if you worked hard for it. I don't really want anyone to quit so I'm kind of in the middle. Peace!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Kangaroos are here, but only in Australia. They are a card I think. Also Birdle is leaving for camp tomorrow so all of us will miss her. She said she was coming back next week. I wonder if she is going to miss the phantom adventure. I know that would be a pain if I had to miss it. Also we have a bit of a surprise for her...

Friday, June 14, 2013


Today animal jam wouldn't load some stuff. So I have to refresh it every minute. Well I'm really bored today. Also I'm going to see the man of steel movie. Everyone says its going to suck. I'm not so sure, but I hope it won't. Peace!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

training center

Today I made a training center to help train for the phantom adventure. I guess it went okay. We learned a lot about blending in, hiding food, and staying fit. So if you want to train before next week send me a jam-a-gram. Well I guess that's all and my cat came back to. Peace!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My cat.....

I'm so upset right now! I'm crying.....  Because she ran away last night. She was suppose to come in, so my sister and dad tried to catch her. But she didn't want to. It's like she changed because she lets us grab her. But she just took off next to the mailbox right next to the road. I think she might have gotten killed by a car.... I don't even want to think of that. I searched for her in the morning, but she wasn't there. She either got killed by a car or a dog, or she just ran away. I think its door number 2 at this point. Also send my sister donations. She's new and all. Her user is: smoshandglee. Birdle you don't have to send her anything. But the cat was mainly her cat. So send her a donation to her to feel better if you want to. Thanks! Peace!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New givaway

Ok so my new giveaway is called the rainbow giveaway. I will have some items the colors of the rainbow. To win u must guess what animal this is: I live in the snow. I'm the biggest wolf. You can buy me at Walmart. What am I? Hint: its from animal jam. Anyway guess in the comments down bellow! Peace!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Lion clan

Ok so first I made up with Birdle. Also I joined this awesome lion clan! It was so awesome. I love lions. Anyway I am going to do a new giveaway hopefully on something better. I will post it up tomorrow because I need to buy the stuff. I will do it on 3 things. Peace!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

What the heck?!

Ok so first, this is my second post. Birdle and Gggal, what the hell are u doing?! Birdle u are right I do swear once in a while. Anyway, why are u guys being mean to me and coolchico? We have a right to be respected. And I can forget about your stupid book club. I can start my own! Congrats! I have said sorry and u guys don't accept my apology. I'm almost going to take u off the bff page. I'm sick of being sugar and spice in a major crisis! Coolchico, don't worry I'm standing up for you! Also if you guys keep up with this we will never get along. I had wanted us to hang out and work things out, but NOOOO U DECDIED TO BE MEAN AND PUNCH ME IN THE STOMACH! Celebrate while you can because when I lose my membership I might quit! U guys are being mean! You are getting me ticked off! I was trying to end the drama then you come up and don't forgive me for being crappy! Thanks for the support! I don't care what the hell you post down bellow! ~ mad puptart!


Ok so now I'm really sad. I guess I should have known this was coming..... Nah I think I should just leave out the main part. Ok well I guess Gggal, Birdle, and Coolchico, are back in their group. I just came a long to ruin things, and they do stuff without me, like book clubs, and music videos. I almost want to cry, because u are leaving me out. I haven't hung out with u guys in a long time. Gggal I don't want to be mad at u. But why are u  saying negative stuff about me? I want to work this out, but we cant if we never can get along. I almost want to call animal jam. Why are u guys kind of bullying me? I haven't done anything mean. Animal jam has become way boring without you guys. And if u don't like me just say so. Just don't tell everyone rumors. I almost cried when I went through my letters. I saw all the ones I had when we had a fight. I recycled those. Now I only have 2 letters. 1 from SilverPegasus, and another one from Julian2. I will certainly keep those. Well I hope this post help u figure out we need to work things out together. Peace!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

What in the world is going on?

This is a midnight post. I'm super sad right now because Birdle told me I wasn't her friend anymore. I guess she has had enough of my stupidity. At least I have Coolchico. Don't u guys dare convince her to unbuddy me. I really think she is an awesome friend. Also if u decide u don't want be my buddy, u will still be on my bff page. I don't take people off the pages, because I'm not that type of person. Well I guess I have been mean. I wish I could press a rewind button. U guys are right. I should have listened better to u. Well I still have some friends I could hang out with. No matter what, u can still be in my animal jam binder, and stuff. I just don't like to forget people. I might end up seeing u about a year later. I will surely miss you if u decide to unbuddy me. I won't quit unless the drama gets worse. Well I guess this is so long. U can still come to my holiday parties and all that. The fun will get less fun without u guys. I really wish I hadn't  dragged myself into this so u guys would unbuddy me. Well Peace!

Sorry everyone

OK so sorry about yesterdays post it was really dumb. Also Birdle your correct. And I'm sorry of the way I acted to Gggal. I guess I have depression. I hope u guys will forgive me. Also I'm having a sleep over today, so there isn't much time for animal jam. I will probably just log in later to show my friends my account. Also I'm super happy, because you can get a pet for non members. I got my hamster and she is so cute. She's a freedom hamster. Well that's it for this post. Gggal please forgive me. I always considered u as a friend, and I like hanging out with people my age. If u do forgive me please buddy me and let me know. Peace!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Well, AJ congrats on giving up hope on me. Gggal hates me, even though I still consider her as a friend. I wouldn't want to be friends with myself either. Also I feel lonely because all my friends take off to Gggal's den. While I'm just mud. I'm sick of my life. And I think I might quit AJ because its so boring and everyone seems to be having fun without me. I'm just going to give up. Maybe even find new friends. Because I feel ignored, disrespected, sad, angry, and confused. All those things are killing me. And I feel really upset because nobody hangs out with me anymore. So I might quit, or just find someone new to hang out with. I think Birdle and Coolchico would rather hang out with Gggal. So go ahead post as many mean comments as u want. Because I hate myself. I feel like mud. Take me off you buddy list if you have to. I used to be a nice person. Now I'm a drenched horrible person. Congrats Gggal u have won.....

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gggal buddy me please!

Ok so Gggal can u buddy me again? I don't even know why u unbuddied me. And I have no idea why your mad at me. I still consider u as my bff. Please buddy me. Please let me know what I did. Anyway I will put something up for the jammer weekly soon. Thanks for all the help. Peace!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Deadline for giveaway, and late

Sorry that I could not put up the new jammer weekly up. I couldn't really get anything good. So turn your stuff in today or tomorrow. I'm going to be writing about the diamond shop. Also the giveaway ends tomorrow! Remember to win the phantom fountain, u have to guess my favorite color. Guess what color down in the comments. Peace!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! I'm getting membership! -shakes butt around- Lol Jk. Anyway I'm super excited! It might happen tomorrow! Peace!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Check out my pages, and bored out of my mind

Ok so I will admit even though I spend hours on animal jam, it has gotten very boring. I wish something fun would happen. Also I will be getting 6 month membership very soon. I'm excited for finally membership again. Also can u guys check out my pages please? I really want u guys to use them. I will make some later. And Gggal, I kind of feel like u are ignoring me. First u unbuddied me when I said I would probably quit. I changed my mind. And I sent u a ton of jam-a-grams. Can u buddy me again? Thanks! Peace!1!!!11!11!