Saturday, June 8, 2013

What the heck?!

Ok so first, this is my second post. Birdle and Gggal, what the hell are u doing?! Birdle u are right I do swear once in a while. Anyway, why are u guys being mean to me and coolchico? We have a right to be respected. And I can forget about your stupid book club. I can start my own! Congrats! I have said sorry and u guys don't accept my apology. I'm almost going to take u off the bff page. I'm sick of being sugar and spice in a major crisis! Coolchico, don't worry I'm standing up for you! Also if you guys keep up with this we will never get along. I had wanted us to hang out and work things out, but NOOOO U DECDIED TO BE MEAN AND PUNCH ME IN THE STOMACH! Celebrate while you can because when I lose my membership I might quit! U guys are being mean! You are getting me ticked off! I was trying to end the drama then you come up and don't forgive me for being crappy! Thanks for the support! I don't care what the hell you post down bellow! ~ mad puptart!

1 comment:

  1. Puptart we need to talk privately in your den when you get on.
