Friday, May 31, 2013

Candy Partay!

Ok so today was the last day of school for me. The teachers gave me an award for being the fastest typer they had ever had. I couldn't believe it. Anyway so everyone is invited to my party. U have to come in dressed as candy. Here is all the party information: Where: Puptarts den, When: 1:20, Bring: candy and a candy costume. Peace!

Thursday, May 30, 2013


 OK SO ANIMAL JAM DECIDED " OH PEOPLE WANT RARES! LETS GIVE THEM RARES!" so first its fox hats, now its this! Tomorrow spikes are coming! How could animal jam do this to us? :( Now  I feel like quiting because I heard rare bows and gloves are coming to the shop. I won't quit right away. I will maybe quit if rare bows or gloves come back. Now my nm glove is worth more then a lion plushie. :(  I feel bad for the people who worked their butt off for those rares. I really wish animal jam would be more prudent, and wait until I turn 15 to do this. Younger children don't understand this. Also they can take 10,000,000 jammers off their list. Because half of the jammers on animal jam will be gone by the time they see the stupid diamond shop! I don't really want to buy anything right now. As soon as I feel out of the emotional mood, I will buy something. But right now I feel bad for everyone who had so much rares, and now animal jam did this! So now people who are famous, will quit. Peachy! Just Peachy! SIGH. And also my last day of school is tomorrow so I will have a Candy Party. Dress up like a candy! And most important, do not post any mean comments down bellow. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Ok so today I was in Jamaa, then the best thing ever happened! SilverPegasus appeared. She looked like her, so I clicked her and it said: Silverpegasus. I screamed! And I got her autograph. I'm so happy. I enjoy her videos so much. Peace!

Monday, May 27, 2013

New Issue!

Ok so the new issue of Jammer Weekly is here. Click the page for all the new stuff. I guess that's it I might post some more later. Peace!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Enter my giveaway please! And juicy stuff

Ok so first I need some of u guys to enter my giveaway for the phantom fountain. So far nobody has guessed my favorite color. It's like so easy. If u know what I mean. Also I need to find some juicy stuff for the Jammer Weekly. I'm looking super hard. Also if you are in the news crew turn in your stuff by tomorrow. Monday is the release of the 2nd issue. Peace!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Hey guys so today I am so so so so so so so so so SOOOOOOOOO bored. I wish something magical would happen. Also I noticed 2 things. Metropolis hasn't been on animal jam for a long time. I hope she doesn't quit again. That would be horrible. Anyway Birdle made a post of when she is going to quit AJ. I think I will quit AJ on my 15th birthday. Yes I know that sounds bizarre, but I don't want to go to college still playing on a kids site. I hope I don't get to attached to AJ. Also I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to play next. Hmm.... I will Google something later. Peace!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Updates and Big Cat Party!

Today I decided it was time to update my blog so the update is here and all that and a bag of chips. Also to celebrate my 30th post I am going to have a big cat party tomorrow! So u guys need to dress up like a big cat, ( even if your a fox) u can be any big cat! Also some person tried to become her imposter or clone. Anyway I had only 1 person trying to imposter me. Her user was puppytart and she gave up after I told her she was annoying me. Anyway peace!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Hey guys today it is a very special day! IT'S GGGALS BIRTHDAY! Yay now your in the 10s with me! Anyway I am super excited for your party on Animal Jam. Anyways here is a special video in honor to her.....

Monday, May 20, 2013

Jammer Weekly and Snow leopard.....

Ok so first of all I have a new page called Jammer Weekly an animal jam news paper that I started. If you want to join send me a jam a gram. Second Birdle hired a Snow leopard to take care of her new kid. Sorry Birdle, but your kid turned into a egg and ran away. Anyway she was a horrible babysitter she growled at me! And she said to birdle's kid "want to wrestle?" and the kid was a BABY. Anyways she took off and left me to handle the sap. Anyways here is the video for the day.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Long post!

Ok so this is probably the longest post ever! First of all... MY MEMBERSHIP IS GONE! :(   WAHHH I WANT MY MEMBERSHIP! I will get new membership ( probably a year of it) when summer starts. Anyways I also came up with an idea that my blog should have some news to it. It's going to be called Jammer Weekly. I think everyone should have a page with Jammer Weekly to it. I am going to put up the page tomorrow. By then I think we should all get used to it. Also the deadline for the giveaway for the phantom fountain is by June 1st. Please enter! Coolchico is the only person who has entered. Remember how to win is guessing my favorite color. Also my summer party is almost here! I'm not to sure what I'm going to wear. And also today I am gong to a baby shower so there isn't much time for animal jam. However I will be back at 8:00. Also I found some person who apparently hacks. My password is super hard. So she will never hack me, but her user is snowburn. You guys should change your password if it's easy to guess. She makes videos on hacking people. So I am sure she is a 6 year old who wants her way when she wants it. :l Also I found out that there are more scammers on animal jam. And also this morning a guy named bluetiger003 asked if he could have all my member rares and betas. I was like NO WAY! HOW COULD U ASK THAT?! My friend who was buddies with him unbuddied him and yeah. And also I'm wondering what will the rare item be for tomorrow? Maybe rare butterfly wings. Or rare elf bracelets. If they brought spikes back, then it would make people who worked their butt of for them mad. Anyway so I guess that's it for this post. Peace! (also to celebrate my 30th post I'm going to have a big cat party)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Field day!

Hi guys I had field day for my school today, so I thought it would be a super fun activity if I had a field day at my den! I am not sure what games to have yet.... but my juices will flow soon. Anyway I will let any jammer come. So I hope to see u guys there! What den should I use? Suggest down bellow and above is a video.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Animal Jam Council

Ok so today I came up with an awesome idea that we have an Animal Jam Council! It's a club sort of thing. Anyways, I think we should get together and plan all these huge animal jam parties and exciting events. We could become as famous as Julian2 and VisualEffects. It's going to be the best club ever! It also has to be exclusive, like most clubs. So here is how to join: U have to be rare, or have to have been on animal jam at least 6 months. Also here is another video...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Happy day :)

Ok so first of all the fight is over!!!!!! :P Hurray! I am still bummed out I missed gggal's birthday party. Oh well. Anyway so how good are pufferfish plushies? I have no idea because people who barley joined animal jam have them. So I am going to change my giveaway to a Phantom fountain. It seems boring and I never use it. It's just a big gap. Anyway to win it u have to guess my favorite color. Anyway I also wonder how people get so famous. Here are my favorite famous peeps: Julian2, Bepper, Ponypals4ever (gummyunicorn), Lilacpetal, Grimm5, Xxmario, Visualeffects, Snowyclaw, and Solidgolden. I hope by a spark of magic, I get buddied by one of them. Anyway Birdle u are so lucky u got to meet some of these people. Anyway, today my cat Alta crawled into a box. She is a fan of boxes. So the video above is about if big cats like boxes.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Hey guys, so first of all Coolchico and Gggal and Birdle are still pretty pissed off. Gee golly. I didn't do anything wrong. Well Animal jam just got boring after that. I tried looking for some new friends. It didn't work. I dunno why, but I'm just doing this for u guys to get over it and finally we can stop fighting. But I`m so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SORRY! It's all my fault we are still fighting. I hope u guys can please forgive me for all the stuff I have done. And I hope u guys are sorry as well. Anyway I also made an Ice Cream shop! It's epic and looks pretty tasty! Peace! ( ps the video is from julian2. I am a fan of his videos. This is thrift shop)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

My new giveaway

Last post I said I was going to do a puffer fish plushie. I am not quite sure if they are beta, but oh well. Anyway here is how to win: You must answer this question: What is Puptart's favorite color? If u are my friend OR were my friend, u should know this. First person with the answer right wins! So if u are entering please tell me. And also I'm going to do a daily video. So here is one of my favorite videos up above.......................................................................................................................................

Saturday, May 11, 2013


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My membership ends in 7 days! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I will miss it so much :( Wah I want my membership! Oh and also my spring party is coming. My last day of school is May 31st. I will make an epic spring party. It will be good without membership. So its going to be a end of year party. It's just like any party, but u still have to dress up. So dress up like a party animal or u can dress up in a summer outfit. I hope to see u guys there! Here is the details.
Day: May 31st.
Dress up: Animal or summer outfit.
Whose Invited: Everybody
Activities: Games, and other stuff.
Time: 4:30
Anyways, another post I said I would do another giveaway. So I hope u guys enter this one. It's going to be for a puffer fish plushie. I heard they are beta. I hope it`s true. Anyway suggest down bellow what pages I should make for this blog. Peace!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Cat VS Fly!

Today my cat was waving her tail around, and suddenly I saw a fly, so I watched as my cat pawed at it and finally killed him. So now when ever I see a bug, I can depend on my cat to catch it. Anyway I created a few pages, and those who I copied, sorry I couldn't think of anything else, but I changed them. Anyway drama is still going on, so I`m just going to ignore u guys until u say sorry. I don't want to fight with u guys anymore so yeah. Anyway remember no mean comments! Anyway so that's it for today. Peace!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Ok , so lately Birdle and Coolchico have been mean and saying stuff like Puptart is so mean! When im trying to tell u guys to stop.  U guys will keep this going forever! U guys have no idea how u are acting. My life is horrible and u guys aren't helping! I keep having to go to school with scars on my face. I get teased for that so u guys aren't really helping. I have allergies and my parents care, but it just keeps getting worse. I don't exactly have any friends at school. I haven't had any friends at school for 6 years. :( And I`m sure Birdle and Coolchico are proud now. Gggal I still am not mad at u so I don't know how u joined their side without me explaining things. And Coolchico if this fight does end, try to think before u post a comment that ruins my life on animal jam. Birdle u don't have to be mean to people who don't have a perfect life like yours. And Coolchico, I`m sure u have a better chance of winning then me. Everyone adores u :(  and now I feel like chopped liver. Well I hope Birdle and Coolchico changed their minds and choose option 1. I really don't like u guys acting like this. U let the mean that was locked in a chain, unlocked and is now causing this. I hope u find this helpful and u guys can see that this song helps.


Birdle and Coolchico if ur reading this u are not invited to my feast. Coolchico u know u started this. So you better say sorry. And Birdle, stop trying to protect Coolchico! I am not ur guys slave! Gggal, I am not mad at u so u can come to my feast. And there isn't any more mean comments, if u post a mean comment u shall be reported 5 minutes straight. Anyway so Birdle and Coolchico I am going to give u 2 options: 1 say sorry and join us for the feast. 2 Keep being mean and hurt other people that have done nothing. So I hope u chose number 1. Anyway so I'm going to do happy posts from now on. So today I went on a field trip to Salt Lake City Utah. It's called: "This is the place." It was really cool. They had old fashioned houses. It also had a cool farm. On the farm they had chicks and ducks. I held a duck and it was so cute. I named him Silly. He looked silly of course. Anyway I hope u come to my feast later on! Peace!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

how to get freedom wings and sorry

So first I'm sorry to coolchico, for no reason. Because u decided to just post that comment. Then people get mad at me then not at u! I guess I have been so sick of everyone being so mean that I took it all out on other people. I just don't like mean comments. So here are the rules of my blog: NO MEAN COMMENTS! No personal information. No reporting people for no reason. No lying about things. No saying bad words. And no gossiping. Now u guys can follow those rules and everything can be pitch perfect ( I luv that movie!) So coolchico next time please no mean comments! I hope u say sorry too. And gggal sorry if I sent ur gift 2 days early I just thought of quitting. Anyway now I'm going to tell u about a glitch on how to get freedom wings! Ok so first u go to sky high. U need to win 294 gems in order to win the freedom wings. Peace!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

20th post

Hi  is my 20th post..... and to celebrate I'm going to have a feast, but yesterday coolchico said something upsetting about me making mean posts! Last post was just telling u guys how upset I was! I didn't make me feel better. It made me feel worse! UGH how could u do this to me? Anyway there won't be a feast until coolchico apologizes. It would make her learn about her mistake, and show her not to be rude to people when they are really upset! I will also do one more giveaway, I haven't decided yet what item, but if nobody enters my giveaway then I will be really upset, quit doing giveaways, and maybe even take down my blog! And birdle if you are reading this u didn't say anything about entering, but THANK YOU SO MUCH! And im sorry if you couldn't enter. Anyway, I don't want any mean comments anymore! So if your trying to sass me or something, for crying or something and saying MMM GIRL U HAVE NO REASON TO BE UPSET WITH THE REST OF US FOR NOT ENTERING UR GIVEAWAY AND IM TIRED OF YOUR STUPID POSTS!!! I haven't done any mean posts guys! So chillax. Peace!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

End of giveaway

The winner for the wizard hat is................ ME! Because nobody entered. How hurtful is that? Especially when your entering other giveaways. I don't think I will do another giveaway. I was thinking of doing one on my phantom fountain... but now I can see that u guys will not enter. HOW HURTFUL! I FEEL PUNCHED IN THE STOMACH. I can believe I was dumb enough to see that nobody will enter my lame giveaways. For sure they will enter awesome giveaways such as birdle's. Also nobody has sent me anything for mailtime! I have been waiting 2 months and nothing! It's not anyone's fault. It's all my fault for being dumb and wanting to just have fun doing giveaways and mailtime. I guess my blog can be lame. I'm so upset right now.............. I hope u enjoy some other jammers exciting blogs, while my blog is a piece of garbage.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG

OMG OMG OMG AHHHHHHHHHHH My den is now an epic den!!!!!!!!!!! Some random person came in my den and told me! I am so happy about this! People keep wanting to buddy me! I see a star in the mirror now! Send me a jam a gram for an autograph. Peace!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Iron man 3

Sorry guys, but my party was canceled at last minute, because I remembered I was going to see iron man 3! I want my party, but I think it can wait until tomorrow. Sorry guys! And nobody has entered my contest or sent me a gift for mailtime.......... so I guess the contest is off. Also mailtime is just a dumb idea I guess :( Anyway see u at my party tomorrow!  And if u want send me something for mail time! U will be posted on here.
Peace! ( I did not draw this, I found it on a website)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

party tommorrow!

Yippee!!!!!! I'm excited because my party is tomorrow! It's a sleepover so bring your stuff! I hope to see u guys there! Peace!