Saturday, May 25, 2013

Enter my giveaway please! And juicy stuff

Ok so first I need some of u guys to enter my giveaway for the phantom fountain. So far nobody has guessed my favorite color. It's like so easy. If u know what I mean. Also I need to find some juicy stuff for the Jammer Weekly. I'm looking super hard. Also if you are in the news crew turn in your stuff by tomorrow. Monday is the release of the 2nd issue. Peace!


  1. I guessed on one of the things below!

  2. I think ur favorite color is Blueish purple like the crayon that looks blue but its kinda purpleish. My Jammer Weekly interview is on my blog. the Friend Frenzy Blog. :)

    1. Your super close! It's 1 of those colors! Keep guessing!
